Nurturing foundations for a sustainable future

National Tree Day is not just about digging holes in the ground and placing saplings; it is an embodiment of hope and responsibility for a greener and more sustainable future. Much like a child planting seeds of knowledge to build their foundation for learning, trees play a vital role in shaping the world we live in.

Schools Tree Day, is held annually in conjunction with National Tree Day, and it is a call to action for school communities to come together and to give back to the community and land that they live and learn on. Schools Tree Day 2023 was acknowledged on Friday, 28 July and each Prep student at Sunshine Coast Grammar School was gifted the opportunity to plant a tree in a re-vegetation corridor of the school to give thanks for our 100-acre playground.

Mr Adam Demler, an arborist and father of Prep student Sienna, donated the trees and gave of his expertise and time, to join forces with the Grammar Grounds Staff, Prep Teaching Team and Prep students. This collaborative effort afforded our students a high-impact opportunity to learn about the significance of trees and the environment.

In Science, our Prep students group plants and animals based on external features, with tree planting allowing them to observe and understand the diversity of tree species, learning about their unique traits and characteristics.

Mr Demler set out to select the tree species for Forest Glen, carefully considering the native trees that thrive in the region. This choice reflects the notion of embracing one’s roots and heritage – teaching the importance of preserving and protecting indigenous flora. Prep students also carefully consider the preservation and significance of special places in their Health and Social Science unit.

Planting a combination of medium and tall trees such as Lilly Pilly, Eucalyptus, Hoop Pine, and Tulipwood represents the importance of diversity. Each tree contributes uniquely to the environment, just as each Grammar student brings their unique qualities to our diverse learning community.

The process of planting a tree is not a one-time event; it is a lifelong commitment. Trees require care and nurturing, much like children need love and guidance to grow into responsible adults. By educating our students about the significance of trees, connecting them to their environment, and instilling a sense of empathy and responsibility, we are fostering the growth of a generation that will be dedicated to preserving and enhancing our planet for the future.

By Rachelle Brutnell
Dean of Primary Prep – Year 2